Friday, October 16, 2009

Weekly Update

One more was added to our Seminary flock this week. Welcome Sister Pope! Tag-Team-Teaching has now officially arrived!

After four weeks of Seminary, we have just now met Nephi and his family. We learned that Lehi was a Jerusalem home-boy, prayed sincerely, had a vision, preached to his neighbors, and was determined to be obedient to the Lord. We learned that Nephi was born of goodly parents, educated, big for his age, and determined to be obedient to the Lord. We learned about murmuring and sibling relationships. We learned it's better to go and do rather than sit and stew. We learned about the value of personal histories and scriptures. We learned a lot this week!

Housekeeping is the pits, but there are a couple of things we need to 'clean up' as far as Seminary is concerned. It can be hard, but being on time is important. Please remember the start time is 6:25. Again, it can be hard, but being in class is important. Please don't sign in as present and then disappear because that's an absence. Please get class materials out of the cupboard and use them in class. The scriptures can't be learned and applied if they are not opened and read.

Cold and flu season seems to have arrived. Yuk. Would someone please donate a box or two of kleenex and a big bottle of hand sanitizer? It is better that germs should perish than a whole class should dwindle and suffer in misery.

How about another donation item? The Seminary CD player went on a walk-about last year and ended up in the library without a cord. Does anyone have a CD player the class could use? Or better yet, does anyone know where the missing cord is? That would be the ideal solution because it's just too expensive to buy all those batteries just for prelude music.

Thanks for your housekeeping help, germ-busting supplies, and early-morning music!


Sister Mann

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