Saturday, January 30, 2010

Weekly Update

Back in the saddle again! But man-oh-man, is this Seminary cowpoke tired! I didn't know it took so much energy to stand for an entire class time...
This week, we met King Noah and his naughty home-boys. And they all got to meet Abinadi. In Mosiah 10, verse 22, Zeniff says that because he was old he conferred the kingdom upon one of his sons. Did he know that Noah was such a bad guy? And if Zeniff did know, why did he do such a thing? Hmm. You just gotta wonder...
We also went over our calendar for the coming month. February is always fun for two reasons: Seminary Survivor and Johnny Lingo Love Day. Survivor will kick-off on Tuesday with the first daily challenge and this year students will be scoring themselves on their survival efforts. There will be a prize for the Ultimate Survivor at the end of the month. Friday the 12th is Johnny Lingo Love Day. Everyone should bring their favorite snack/treat and we'll watch the old-school Johnny Lingo. The bad wigs, the stilted dialogue -- what's not to love?
We've reached the half-way mark, so semester grades will be coming home soon. Don't panic if the grade isn't what you think it should be. There's plenty of time for improvement. Grades are based on daily reading, scripture mastery, and participation. However, if attendance or punctuality are less than 80%, the grade is an Incomplete. Like I said, don't panic. Everything will be fine in the end. If you have any concerns though, please contact me.
There won't be Seminary this coming Monday (Teacher Work Day) or on Monday the 15th (President's Day).
Thanks for your continued support of our Seminary program. Our youth are the best!
Sister Mann

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Weekly Update

Another week of "fun" has come and gone while I stayed in my recliner. Somehow I picked up a secondary bug, but the new medicine is working well. The doctor still hasn't released me to work my normal schedule yet, though. Bummer. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the following week.

Thank you so much, Sisters Pope and Weitzel! You are holding Seminary together and you will be blessed over and over for your efforts. I have heard about your wonderful lessons and I am so grateful for all of your hard work on Seminary's behalf.

Thank you, my wonderful ward family, for all of your phone calls, prayers, and delicious dinners. Our family has been nourished in every good way and our prayers are that you will be blessed beyond measure for your kindness.

I hope to see you soon, my Seminary friends!


Sister Mann

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Weekly Update

So time has really gotten away from me. It's been a blur. My last posting mentioned I had been sick. It only got worse from there. I went into the doctor who exclaimed "You're blue!" She promptly called the paramedics who took me into the hospital. Double pneumonia. For five days I was waited on hand and foot because they were afraid I would slip into respiratory arrest. For five days I got all the IV antibiotics, chicken broth, jello, and soda I could hold. Now back at home, the waiting-on continues. My family has been wonderful to jump at my every request and my wonderful ward family has been bringing us the most delicious dinners. I haven't missed the broth at all. When I went to the doctor Thursday, she said "I am so happy to see you alive!" I'm happy, too, and will be even happier when she releases me to return to my normal schedule.

I miss everyone at Seminary, but I know for certain that everything is just fine. Thank you, thank you Sisters Pope and Weitzel! You rock!

Sister Mann