Friday, November 20, 2009

Weekly Update

Yep, it was just what I thought it would be -- five full days of fun. And guess what? The freshmen finally got their scriptures. Yes, finally. The "scripture scramble" began with the initial order in August, which was followed up by the secondary order in September. A partial order arrived in October and the rest arrived last weekend. It's a good thing scriptures teach eternal truth because it was an eternal process to get them and who wants outdated information anyway...
This week we learned about the cast of Josephs in 2 Nephi chapter 3 and Nephi's Psalm in chapter 4. The psalm's pattern of sorrow for sin to blessings to personal improvement to trust and redemption is very applicable in our own lives. Chapters 9 and 10, part of Jacob's sermon and testimony, are full of deep doctrines about the Atonement that we must heed if we seek salvation. Also -- this week was the official family split following Lehi's death. The Nephites and Lamanites have arrived.
Next week is another shorty -- just two days because it's Thanksgiving. This really is a three day holiday anyway, in my opinion. There's Thanksgiving Preparation Day, Thanksgiving Feasting Day, and Thanksgiving Recovery Day. So enjoy them all and don't forget to count your blessings!
Sister Mann

Friday, November 13, 2009

Weekly Update

This week rolled right on by! But when there are only two Seminary days, it's bound to be that way. Next week we'll be back on track for a full five days of fun.

On Monday, Sister Weitzel was our special speaker and she shared some wonderful thoughts and ideas about joy. She explained what it is, how we find it, and how we can continue to experience it. After all, we are that we might have joy. And if that involves baked goods, so be it.

Tuesday found us in a heated game of Backpack Scavenger Hunt. What these kids tote around on a regular basis is amazing! If only the pioneers had been able to have backpacks with expanding pockets it would have been a whole different journey. Gum, tape, money, ID, textbooks, paper, and the list goes on and on. In fact, on the whole list, there wasn't one item that someone did not have. Of course, there were scriptures involved in the game. Worldliness, materialism and contention must be put in perspective.

All of the students received make-up work assignments on Tuesday. Our class had a rather stunning amount of absences and tardies -- not in a good way. Those assignments should be turned back in to me by the time we dismiss for the Christmas break. If there are any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call me.


Sister Mann

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sleepy Don Diego is modeling the latest Seminary fad -- dozing while trying to pay attention. It's sad to say, but the time change did not help us stay awake in Seminary. These dark, cold mornings are only made for sleeping through the snooze alarm.
This was a short week because there wasn't school or Seminary on Friday due to teacher inservice and workday. Just because it was short doesn't mean it wasn't busy -- especially for Nephi and Co. They built a ship and crossed to the Promised Land, all within four days. 1 Nephi is done and 2 Nephi has been introduced. Speaking of finishing a book, when Seminary students finish reading each book of the Book of Mormon, they should put a sticker up on the reading chart. Daily reading should be tracked in their individual folders. Daily reading is part of the grade.
The October roll went in to SHQ (Seminary Headquarters) and the latest percentages should be arriving any moment. Students who need to make up absences or tardies will be notified. 80% overall attendance and 80% puncutality are required in order to pass Seminary. Absences and tardies can, and should, be made up.
Next week, there are only two days of class due to Veteran's Day and Parent-Teacher conferences. While I don't do any conferencing, if you have any questions about Seminary or Seminary policies, please ask me. If I don't have the answer you need, SHQ will for sure! So what's planned for such a short week? Monday will be a special speaker and Tuesday will be...hmm...a surprise. Monday will also be Birthday Brownie Day -- yum!
Sister Mann