Thursday, September 2, 2010

Seminary Changes

Hey everyone!

Check out the link to the new Seminary blog...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

All Done!

There it is -- the official seal of approval upon our Seminary year. It's certainly been a year full of doctrinal learning, testimony growth, and good friendship. Book of Mormon year seems to have that more than any other year. Anyway, it was worth the early mornings and late nights.
Next year is Doctrine and Covenants, so it's never too early to start reading through the "curriculum" and 10 minutes a day is just perfect.
Thanks everyone for all of your hard work and help this year -- I love you and appreciate you so much. You have blessed my life beyond compare. Enjoy your summer!
Sister Mann

Saturday, April 17, 2010

War Chapters!
It's been a month since my last post, but trust me, this one will be worth the wait. War, intrigue, stratagems, fortifications, faithfulness, and valiancy -- that's what it's all about.
Sister W did a fantastic (!) job of teaching these chapters, and her efforts are deeply appreciated. So, the thoughts shared here came from her, not from me. I'm not that smart.
Chapters 43-62 of Alma are called the "war chapters" as opposed to "peace chapters." The Nephites were living in a time of constant war, just as we are today. These chapters are meant for us, so we need to read, ponder, understand, and apply those teachings in order to be fortified against the enemy. It is vital to know that victory comes from unshakable faith in Jesus Christ.
Chapter 43: 1) the Lord is concerned with the desires of our hearts; 2) faith and works mean do what we can and the Lord will always help us with the rest; 3) the prophets know where the enemy will strike -- so listen up.
Chapter 44: 1) faith in Christ is powerful in any situation; 2) a testimony can be shared in unusual places, 3) we owe all of our happiness to the word of God; 4) if warring apostates can keep their covenants, so can we!
Chapters 46-47: 1) kings lead to bondage; 2) place reminders of your covenants everywhere: 3) don't come down from your mountain; 4) beware of little temptations that trick us into believing we have control; 5) beware of "friends" who tempt you.
Chapter 48: 1) spiritual preparation is our first priority; 2) the Christian attitude toward war should be one of reluctance and sorrow.
Chapter 49: 1) be prepared; 2) prophets prepare in unconvential ways; 3) the sword of the Spirit is our weapon for spiritual battles.
Chapter 50: 1) spiritual fortifications come from doing many things; 2) watchmen on towers see what we cannot see; 3) faith and works bring assurance.
Chapter 51: 1) people of God have a duty to defent their country; 2) united we stand, divided we fall.
Chapter 52: 1) don't leave your stronghold; 2) small temptations may lead to bigger temptations; 3) God doesn't trick us into being righteous; 4) when you're tempted, realize someone may be trying a stratagem on you.
Chapter 53: 1) when you know the Church is true, be true to the Church; 2) being spiritual means knowing and doing.
Chapter 54: 1) fear God more than man; 2) meekness is not weakness.
Chapter 55: 1) when you're high on drugs (or whatever), you're low on agency; 2) be cautious that no poison is administered among you; 3) if it will poison one, it will poison another.
Chapter 56: 1)the righteous need not fear death; 2) the best teaching happens at home.
Chapter 57: 1) some were firm and undaunted, others were about to give way; 2) real faith is faith in Christ and His will; 3) acknowledge the hand of the Lord in all things.
Chapter 58: 1) God will visit us with assurnaces when we're undersupplied; 2) there is no substitute for faith combined with work.
Additional Thoughts: 1) sometimes our toughest enemies come from within; 2) the armor of God only protect the front as we are to go forward boldly, not turn and run defenselessly; 3) we may not know why we are asked to do something -- just do it anyway; 4) are we Lamanite by lineage or by belief and practice; 5) God-fearing is God-respecting.
And finally -- Christ chose his disciples while they were working. Satan chooses his disciples while they are being idle. STAY BUSY and CTR!
Sister Mann

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weekly Update

I've waited all year to use this crazy picture. In honor of Ammon, his two-edged sword, and a pile of severed arms, may I present to you the four-light-sabered Jedi flying squirrel...
We covered a lot of material this week (chapters 14 through 22) and so welcome to the Alma Buffet. Little bites of lots of different experiences, testimonies, and doctrines were offered. Hopefully, everyone will go back for more and feast until they are full. So what did we sample? Read on...
Alma 14: Martyrdom, silence, victory, and a perfect ending for the bad guys.
Alma 15: Missionary success and healing power.
Alma 16: Lamanites
Alma 17: Arms, Christ-like example, duty and purpose
Alma 18: Conversion
Alma 19: Lamoni, Mrs. Lamoni, Abish
Alma 20: Middoni adventures, conversion, freedom
Alma 21: Another missionary perspective
Alma 22: The pillars of eternity, conversion, property lines
Friday was the March Madness Shoot-Around. Nothing can be more frustrating that trying to make a basket with a tennis ball. However, the points added up and the students included them to their March Madness score sheets. Both bishops were there to help with announcing and timekeeping. Next Thursday, the March Madness winner will be crowned. Remember, no school or Seminary next Friday... And then it's Spring Break!
Sister Pope was gone this week to help her sister with a new baby. Thanks, Sister Weitzel, for coming and keeping us on the straight/strait and narrow!
Sister Mann

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weekly Update

My bad -- somehow I forgot last week's weekly update posting. So just consider this a BOGO --a buy one, get one absolutely free blog posting. How good of a deal is that?

Since there's so much to cover, let's just hit the highlights:
  • The winner of Seminary Survivor was crowned, but has not yet received her $10 Burgervill gift certificate. (This is also my bad.)
  • March Madness has begun, points are being scored, and players are being traded.
  • Alma taught the people of Zarahemla and surrounding lands. Check out Alma 5 for all of the details on receiving a mighty change of heart.
  • The Zarahemla folks shape up nicely.
  • Alma travels to the land of Gideon and teaches them all about the Atonement in chapter 7.
  • The people of Ammonihah are far less interested in hearing from Alma as they are in throwing him out of town. Upon his return through the back-door, he meets Amulek. Together, they make up one of the best missionary companionships of all time.
  • Alma and Amulek begin to teach and Amulek shares the story of his conversion and his testimony in chapter 10.
  • Zeezrom, a lawyer with 'tude, thinks he's going to get the best of them. Wrong. You can never pull one over on the prophet. Good thing Big Z becomes's far better than the alternative.
  • Alma and Amulek give us great examples about how to talk to our non-member friends and some ways to asnwer their questions.
  • Look for the Plan of Redemption in chapter 12...

If you have any questions about grades or make-up work, please ask! Spring Break is a great time to catch up on it in order to finish the year without any worries. And speaking of Spring Break, only 10 Seminary mornings until then -- but who's counting?


Sister Mann

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Weekly Update

What a week! It was short (thanks, Mr. Presidents) and sunny...who could ask for more? It was also a week of late-nights (thanks, Olympics). Here's what happened in Seminary this week:
On Tuesday, we met Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah. We also met an angel who spoke with a voice of thunder instead of the usual still, small voice. We were there when Big Alma and his ward rejoiced when they understood why Alma the Younger was carried home. Lesson to us all -- never underestimate the power of a parental prayer. Tuesday also saw the end of the Book of Mosiah and the beginning of the reign of the judges. Wednesday was Scripture Chase Olympics, and it was full of twirling, jumping, one-handed speediness! What athletic and scriptural prowess! Thursday and Friday were spent getting to know the Book of Alma and we truly jumped right into the action! Gideon and Nehor got it going and Amlici kept it going. By the way, the story of Amlici could be considered a type and shadow of Satan. Keep that in mind the next time you read Alma chapter 2.
This week, Seminary Survivor challenged us to offer to pray, give small and simple acts of service, pay attention to creation, and to get a talk ready. (How appropriate for our seniors because Seminary Sacrament Meeting will be here soon!) Just one more week of challenges and then the Ultimate Seminary Survivor will be crowned!
Grades will be passed out at church, so if you don't get something from either of us teachers, please let me know. If you have questions about your student's information, please ask.
Have a wonderful, sunny weekend!
Sister Mann

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weekly Update

Happy Valentine's Day!
How about doing this week's update in reverse?
Friday was the 13th Annual Johnny Lingo Love Day. Johnny, Mahana, Moki and even Mr. Harris were there! Too bad they couldn't enjoy the goodies that everyone brought. Popcorn, cookies, cake, truffles, candy, and donut holes -- all blessed and served with love at church. Therefore, they had no calories!
Thursday we talked about Alma's problem-solving technique found in Mosiah 26. Wednesay, Tuesday, and Monday were full of Mosiah chapters 19 through 24. Not only are those pages full of gospel truths, they are full of intrigue and daring escapes. They are good chapters to keep in mind when we need to make a daring escape from temptation!
Seminary Survivor continues to challenge us to outwit, outplay and outlast Satan on our way to the celestial kingdom. Challenges this week included helping without being asked, offering only sincere compliments, spending an additional 10 minutes in prayer, and choosing the right all day. The weekend challenge is a two-parter -- love and patriotism. We have to be creative in how to demonstrate both of those. If only I could send George Washington and Abraham Lincoln some valentine cards...
Next week will be short due to the President's Day holiday. Grades will be coming home this week and if there are any questions about your student's information, please ask me.
Thanks, once again, for your continued support of our Seminary program!
Sister Mann, not the sharpest trader in all the islands...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekly Update

Isn't this a great motto? It was coined by King George VI in 1939 when the British were facing the threat and early conflicts of WWII. What a perfect motto for the second semester of Seminary. Keep calm, carry on, and don't panic in the face of temptation. Honestly, it's a great personal motto, too.

Seminary Survivor started this week! I love Survivor! Every day there is a challenge to do or not do something -- a chance for personal growth and improvement. This week, we avoided sugar, listened to church music, shared graciously, and shook lots of hands. Every day, students score themselves on their efforts. At the end of the month, we will crown an Ultimate Survivor who will win a $10 gift card to his or her favorite fast food place. And what is the secret to becoming the Ultimate Survivor? Keep calm and carry on.

Lessons this week focused on two people -- Abinadi and Alma. We discussed types and shadows of Christ and how Abinadi was clearly one of those in nearly every respect. You just have to wonder if Abinadi knew that Alma got the message and that Alma was intent on sharing it with his fellowmen. Alma's discourse on the baptismal covenant in Mosiah 18 is just wonderful! In my humble opinion, they kept calm and carried on just as the Lord would have them do.

Grades will be done this week and will include the most up-to-date attendance/punctuality information. If you have any questions, please ask me!

Thanks so much for your support of Seminary! Keep Surviving! Keep Calm! Carry On!
Sister Mann

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Weekly Update

Back in the saddle again! But man-oh-man, is this Seminary cowpoke tired! I didn't know it took so much energy to stand for an entire class time...
This week, we met King Noah and his naughty home-boys. And they all got to meet Abinadi. In Mosiah 10, verse 22, Zeniff says that because he was old he conferred the kingdom upon one of his sons. Did he know that Noah was such a bad guy? And if Zeniff did know, why did he do such a thing? Hmm. You just gotta wonder...
We also went over our calendar for the coming month. February is always fun for two reasons: Seminary Survivor and Johnny Lingo Love Day. Survivor will kick-off on Tuesday with the first daily challenge and this year students will be scoring themselves on their survival efforts. There will be a prize for the Ultimate Survivor at the end of the month. Friday the 12th is Johnny Lingo Love Day. Everyone should bring their favorite snack/treat and we'll watch the old-school Johnny Lingo. The bad wigs, the stilted dialogue -- what's not to love?
We've reached the half-way mark, so semester grades will be coming home soon. Don't panic if the grade isn't what you think it should be. There's plenty of time for improvement. Grades are based on daily reading, scripture mastery, and participation. However, if attendance or punctuality are less than 80%, the grade is an Incomplete. Like I said, don't panic. Everything will be fine in the end. If you have any concerns though, please contact me.
There won't be Seminary this coming Monday (Teacher Work Day) or on Monday the 15th (President's Day).
Thanks for your continued support of our Seminary program. Our youth are the best!
Sister Mann

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Weekly Update

Another week of "fun" has come and gone while I stayed in my recliner. Somehow I picked up a secondary bug, but the new medicine is working well. The doctor still hasn't released me to work my normal schedule yet, though. Bummer. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the following week.

Thank you so much, Sisters Pope and Weitzel! You are holding Seminary together and you will be blessed over and over for your efforts. I have heard about your wonderful lessons and I am so grateful for all of your hard work on Seminary's behalf.

Thank you, my wonderful ward family, for all of your phone calls, prayers, and delicious dinners. Our family has been nourished in every good way and our prayers are that you will be blessed beyond measure for your kindness.

I hope to see you soon, my Seminary friends!


Sister Mann

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Weekly Update

So time has really gotten away from me. It's been a blur. My last posting mentioned I had been sick. It only got worse from there. I went into the doctor who exclaimed "You're blue!" She promptly called the paramedics who took me into the hospital. Double pneumonia. For five days I was waited on hand and foot because they were afraid I would slip into respiratory arrest. For five days I got all the IV antibiotics, chicken broth, jello, and soda I could hold. Now back at home, the waiting-on continues. My family has been wonderful to jump at my every request and my wonderful ward family has been bringing us the most delicious dinners. I haven't missed the broth at all. When I went to the doctor Thursday, she said "I am so happy to see you alive!" I'm happy, too, and will be even happier when she releases me to return to my normal schedule.

I miss everyone at Seminary, but I know for certain that everything is just fine. Thank you, thank you Sisters Pope and Weitzel! You rock!

Sister Mann