My bad -- somehow I forgot last week's weekly update posting. So just consider this a BOGO --a buy one, get one absolutely free blog posting. How good of a deal is that?
Since there's so much to cover, let's just hit the highlights:
- The winner of Seminary Survivor was crowned, but has not yet received her $10 Burgervill gift certificate. (This is also my bad.)
- March Madness has begun, points are being scored, and players are being traded.
- Alma taught the people of Zarahemla and surrounding lands. Check out Alma 5 for all of the details on receiving a mighty change of heart.
- The Zarahemla folks shape up nicely.
- Alma travels to the land of Gideon and teaches them all about the Atonement in chapter 7.
- The people of Ammonihah are far less interested in hearing from Alma as they are in throwing him out of town. Upon his return through the back-door, he meets Amulek. Together, they make up one of the best missionary companionships of all time.
- Alma and Amulek begin to teach and Amulek shares the story of his conversion and his testimony in chapter 10.
- Zeezrom, a lawyer with 'tude, thinks he's going to get the best of them. Wrong. You can never pull one over on the prophet. Good thing Big Z becomes converted...it's far better than the alternative.
- Alma and Amulek give us great examples about how to talk to our non-member friends and some ways to asnwer their questions.
- Look for the Plan of Redemption in chapter 12...
If you have any questions about grades or make-up work, please ask! Spring Break is a great time to catch up on it in order to finish the year without any worries. And speaking of Spring Break, only 10 Seminary mornings until then -- but who's counting?
Sister Mann
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