Another busy week has come and gone, leaving a tuckered-out Seminary teacher in it's wake. I'm not the only one who's tired, though. There were a few droopy eyelids in class this morning...
So what did we learn this week? On Monday, we learned all about flag words in the scriptures. You know, words like "therefore" and "yea" and "behold" that mean "sit up and pay attention to this next part." We also learned that "and it came to pass" is Nephite punctuation, not a grammatical mistake. Tuesday was Gold Plates Day. Were the plates made from real gold? How much did the plates weight? What were the binding rings like? Wednesday was More Gold Plates Day -- specifically the ones found by King Limhi's people. Yep, the Jaredite record we know as the Book of Ether. So our actual study of the Book of Mormon began in the Old Testament with the Tower of Babel and two brothers. So Thursday was all about barges and miraculous light bulbs. We had a great discussion about how the Lord touched and brought light to the stones one at a time, just like how He touches (inspires) us and brings us light (knowledge) one at a time. Friday was King Day. Why is it that the people always wanted kings? As for me, the only king I like is the burger kind...
The September attendance roll was sent it, and as soon as the statistic sheet comes back from SHQ (Seminary Headquarters) the students will know if they need to do any make-up work. Seniors will also know if they need to do any make-up work for past years in order to graduate. Make-up work this year is a little different. No more worksheets and no more workbooks. Time spent in the service of others will be the make-up work because King Benjamin taught that "when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God" (Mosiah 2:17). But to validate the service, there is a tiny itsy-bitsy worksheet to fill out...
Thanks everyone for another good week! Enjoy General Conference!
Sister Mann
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