I've waited all year to use this crazy picture. In honor of Ammon, his two-edged sword, and a pile of severed arms, may I present to you the four-light-sabered Jedi flying squirrel...
We covered a lot of material this week (chapters 14 through 22) and so welcome to the Alma Buffet. Little bites of lots of different experiences, testimonies, and doctrines were offered. Hopefully, everyone will go back for more and feast until they are full. So what did we sample? Read on...
Alma 14: Martyrdom, silence, victory, and a perfect ending for the bad guys.
Alma 15: Missionary success and healing power.
Alma 16: Lamanites
Alma 17: Arms, Christ-like example, duty and purpose
Alma 18: Conversion
Alma 19: Lamoni, Mrs. Lamoni, Abish
Alma 20: Middoni adventures, conversion, freedom
Alma 21: Another missionary perspective
Alma 22: The pillars of eternity, conversion, property lines
Friday was the March Madness Shoot-Around. Nothing can be more frustrating that trying to make a basket with a tennis ball. However, the points added up and the students included them to their March Madness score sheets. Both bishops were there to help with announcing and timekeeping. Next Thursday, the March Madness winner will be crowned. Remember, no school or Seminary next Friday... And then it's Spring Break!
Sister Pope was gone this week to help her sister with a new baby. Thanks, Sister Weitzel, for coming and keeping us on the straight/strait and narrow!
Sister Mann