Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
All Done!

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Weekly Update

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Weekly Update

My bad -- somehow I forgot last week's weekly update posting. So just consider this a BOGO --a buy one, get one absolutely free blog posting. How good of a deal is that?
Since there's so much to cover, let's just hit the highlights:
- The winner of Seminary Survivor was crowned, but has not yet received her $10 Burgervill gift certificate. (This is also my bad.)
- March Madness has begun, points are being scored, and players are being traded.
- Alma taught the people of Zarahemla and surrounding lands. Check out Alma 5 for all of the details on receiving a mighty change of heart.
- The Zarahemla folks shape up nicely.
- Alma travels to the land of Gideon and teaches them all about the Atonement in chapter 7.
- The people of Ammonihah are far less interested in hearing from Alma as they are in throwing him out of town. Upon his return through the back-door, he meets Amulek. Together, they make up one of the best missionary companionships of all time.
- Alma and Amulek begin to teach and Amulek shares the story of his conversion and his testimony in chapter 10.
- Zeezrom, a lawyer with 'tude, thinks he's going to get the best of them. Wrong. You can never pull one over on the prophet. Good thing Big Z becomes's far better than the alternative.
- Alma and Amulek give us great examples about how to talk to our non-member friends and some ways to asnwer their questions.
- Look for the Plan of Redemption in chapter 12...
If you have any questions about grades or make-up work, please ask! Spring Break is a great time to catch up on it in order to finish the year without any worries. And speaking of Spring Break, only 10 Seminary mornings until then -- but who's counting?
Sister Mann
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Weekly Update

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Weekly Update

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Weekly Update

Isn't this a great motto? It was coined by King George VI in 1939 when the British were facing the threat and early conflicts of WWII. What a perfect motto for the second semester of Seminary. Keep calm, carry on, and don't panic in the face of temptation. Honestly, it's a great personal motto, too.
Seminary Survivor started this week! I love Survivor! Every day there is a challenge to do or not do something -- a chance for personal growth and improvement. This week, we avoided sugar, listened to church music, shared graciously, and shook lots of hands. Every day, students score themselves on their efforts. At the end of the month, we will crown an Ultimate Survivor who will win a $10 gift card to his or her favorite fast food place. And what is the secret to becoming the Ultimate Survivor? Keep calm and carry on.
Lessons this week focused on two people -- Abinadi and Alma. We discussed types and shadows of Christ and how Abinadi was clearly one of those in nearly every respect. You just have to wonder if Abinadi knew that Alma got the message and that Alma was intent on sharing it with his fellowmen. Alma's discourse on the baptismal covenant in Mosiah 18 is just wonderful! In my humble opinion, they kept calm and carried on just as the Lord would have them do.
Grades will be done this week and will include the most up-to-date attendance/punctuality information. If you have any questions, please ask me!
Thanks so much for your support of Seminary! Keep Surviving! Keep Calm! Carry On!
Sister Mann
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Weekly Update

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Weekly Update

Another week of "fun" has come and gone while I stayed in my recliner. Somehow I picked up a secondary bug, but the new medicine is working well. The doctor still hasn't released me to work my normal schedule yet, though. Bummer. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the following week.
Thank you so much, Sisters Pope and Weitzel! You are holding Seminary together and you will be blessed over and over for your efforts. I have heard about your wonderful lessons and I am so grateful for all of your hard work on Seminary's behalf.
Thank you, my wonderful ward family, for all of your phone calls, prayers, and delicious dinners. Our family has been nourished in every good way and our prayers are that you will be blessed beyond measure for your kindness.
I hope to see you soon, my Seminary friends!
Sister Mann
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Weekly Update

I miss everyone at Seminary, but I know for certain that everything is just fine. Thank you, thank you Sisters Pope and Weitzel! You rock!
Sister Mann