So the count is on -- only 5 days of Seminary left until Christmas break. The excitement of the season is as contagious as the flu...what a bad analogy, huh?
Monday was the finale of Crocodile Craft Day. We talked about how sin and temptation are like hungry crocs, just waiting to pounce on the innocent and unaware. And, again just like hungry crocs, they hunt with patience and cunning. However, in the end, dinner is dinner and damnation is damnation. This week we finished 2 Nephi. His words to us in the last four chapters, while written so long ago, are so insightful and so personal. Nephi teaches us about faith, repentance, baptism, and the Holy Ghost. The students did some great mini-lessons based on chapters 29, 30, and 31. In chapter 32, we looked at the triange of "tell all things" and "show all things" and "pray always." Chapter 33 is one that is, in my humble opinion, one of the most personal chapters in all of scripture. I cry every time I read it -- so read it with a big box of Kleenex standing by.
Next week, if school is delayed or cancelled, we won't have Seminary. Our Christmas party plans have been foiled for the last 2 years in a row and I'm praying it won't become 3. So you pray, too! We want to par-tay in a Seminary kind of way!
Sister Mann
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