What a week! It was short (thanks, Mr. Presidents) and sunny...who could ask for more? It was also a week of late-nights (thanks, Olympics). Here's what happened in Seminary this week:
On Tuesday, we met Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah. We also met an angel who spoke with a voice of thunder instead of the usual still, small voice. We were there when Big Alma and his ward rejoiced when they understood why Alma the Younger was carried home. Lesson to us all -- never underestimate the power of a parental prayer. Tuesday also saw the end of the Book of Mosiah and the beginning of the reign of the judges. Wednesday was Scripture Chase Olympics, and it was full of twirling, jumping, one-handed speediness! What athletic and scriptural prowess! Thursday and Friday were spent getting to know the Book of Alma and we truly jumped right into the action! Gideon and Nehor got it going and Amlici kept it going. By the way, the story of Amlici could be considered a type and shadow of Satan. Keep that in mind the next time you read Alma chapter 2.
This week, Seminary Survivor challenged us to offer to pray, give small and simple acts of service, pay attention to creation, and to get a talk ready. (How appropriate for our seniors because Seminary Sacrament Meeting will be here soon!) Just one more week of challenges and then the Ultimate Seminary Survivor will be crowned!
Grades will be passed out at church, so if you don't get something from either of us teachers, please let me know. If you have questions about your student's information, please ask.
Have a wonderful, sunny weekend!
Sister Mann