Friday, November 20, 2009
Weekly Update

Friday, November 13, 2009
Weekly Update

This week rolled right on by! But when there are only two Seminary days, it's bound to be that way. Next week we'll be back on track for a full five days of fun.
On Monday, Sister Weitzel was our special speaker and she shared some wonderful thoughts and ideas about joy. She explained what it is, how we find it, and how we can continue to experience it. After all, we are that we might have joy. And if that involves baked goods, so be it.
Tuesday found us in a heated game of Backpack Scavenger Hunt. What these kids tote around on a regular basis is amazing! If only the pioneers had been able to have backpacks with expanding pockets it would have been a whole different journey. Gum, tape, money, ID, textbooks, paper, and the list goes on and on. In fact, on the whole list, there wasn't one item that someone did not have. Of course, there were scriptures involved in the game. Worldliness, materialism and contention must be put in perspective.
All of the students received make-up work assignments on Tuesday. Our class had a rather stunning amount of absences and tardies -- not in a good way. Those assignments should be turned back in to me by the time we dismiss for the Christmas break. If there are any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call me.
Sister Mann
Saturday, November 7, 2009